
Hurricane Relief Trip

We are organizing a trip to support hurricane-affected areas. While details are still being finalized, we expect to have more information about the dates and locations in the coming weeks. If you’re interested in joining, click here…

How to Share Your Faith

Learn easy and natural steps to share what you believe! This 6-week class runs on Sundays during our 11:10 service hour starting October 13.

Pathways of Grace Class

Pathways of Grace can give you the tools to grow in your faith. This 7-week class runs on Sundays at 11:10 a.m. beginning May 26.

Uniquely Wired

Uniquely Wired is a 6-week study designed to help you discover how to serve God with your unique gifts, passions, and personality profile. Sundays at 11:10am starting on March 10. Signup here…

Marriage Enrichment Class

Sundays @ 11:10 a.m. starting October 20 • In this class featuring the Art of Marriage series, you’ll explore new levels of intimacy, communication, and connection with your spouse.

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