Next Steps

At Calvary we think of our spiritual journey as a matter of step taking. Wherever and whoever you are--there is always a next step to take.

Our Next Step classes are designed to help you connect with God, connect with others, and connect with God's mission in the world.

Baptism is how we publicly declare that we know and follow Jesus. If baptism is your next step, register today and we'll let you know the next time we are filling the pool!

Learn easy and natural steps to share your faith. This class is usually offered in the fall and spring. Register now for information and dates on our next session.

Whether you want to learn more or commit to Calvary's vision and mission, you'll find this class helpful. Offered twice a year. Register now for information and dates on our next session.

Hear God’s voice the way you need to hear Him. Hide His Word in your heart so that it trickles out like water when you are thirsty. Stop trying to fit in and start belonging.

Wondering if God is real? Questioning if going to church is right for you? Register to join a class where no questions are off-limits. Register now for information and dates on our next session.

Assess the mix of your spiritual gifts, personality type, and passions to serve like no one else can! Classes usually offered twice a year. Register now for information and dates on our next semester.

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