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How can we influence people in the workplace?

One of the two Greatest Commandments is to “love your neighbor as yourself.”  In a famous discussion, a great scholar asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied with a story about a man who saw his enemy broken and beaten on the side of the road and chose to help him at his own expense. Jesus said the man who helped his enemy demonstrated how to love your neighbor. (You can read about it in the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37).

This teaching is as relevant today as it was two thousand years ago. It’s easy to love and care for those who are like us–our own people,  tribe, or family. It’s rare to find people who will sacrifice time or money for others who are outside our scope of responsibility.

But doing so is the foundation of kindness–and kindness is a game-changer for everyone.

At work, this may mean refusing to live by worldly attitudes and going the extra mile for your employer. It may mean refusing to gossip about a coworker or judge fellow employees (even if they deserve it). It may mean talking less about yourself, asking questions that invite others to share about their own lives, and giving time to listen. 

When you do this, you love your neighbor as yourself. People will notice and you will become an influencer. 

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