Is the life of Christ recorded in any historical records besides the Bible?

Seven known secular historical documents refer to the existence of Jesus and His ministry.  

  1. The  Annals by First Century Roman historian Tacitus mentions Christ and his crucifixion by Pontius Pilate in book 14, chapter 44.
  2. The Babylonian Talmud, a historical collection of the post-biblical history of the Jewish people, mentions Jesus as leading the Jewish people astray. 
  3. An undoctored Arabic passage was written by the first-century historian Josephus in Agapius, “The book of the Title” refers to Jesus’ ministry, crucifixion under Pontius Pilate, appearance to many after his crucifixion, and his international following. 
  4. Pliny the Younger in a letter to Emperor Trajan in 112 A.D. asked for advice on dealing with Christians who sing hymns to Christ as if to a god. 
  5. A historical letter from Syria written between 73 A.D. and the Third Century by Mara bar-Serapion, refers to the murder of “the wise king of the Jews,”  believed to be a reference to Jesus. 
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