Seven known secular historical documents refer to the existence of Jesus and His ministry.
- The Annals by First Century Roman historian Tacitus mentions Christ and his crucifixion by Pontius Pilate in book 14, chapter 44.
- The Babylonian Talmud, a historical collection of the post-biblical history of the Jewish people, mentions Jesus as leading the Jewish people astray.
- An undoctored Arabic passage was written by the first-century historian Josephus in Agapius, “The book of the Title” refers to Jesus’ ministry, crucifixion under Pontius Pilate, appearance to many after his crucifixion, and his international following.
- Pliny the Younger in a letter to Emperor Trajan in 112 A.D. asked for advice on dealing with Christians who sing hymns to Christ as if to a god.
- A historical letter from Syria written between 73 A.D. and the Third Century by Mara bar-Serapion, refers to the murder of “the wise king of the Jews,” believed to be a reference to Jesus.