What should the Church do about reversing the moral decay in our culture?

The short answer? Nothing. (But read on because the longer answer may have what you’re hoping for.)

Morality was not the focus of Jesus’ mission among nonbelievers. Jesus came to save the souls of men and women. (Luke 19:10). Being “good” doesn’t save you. What Jesus did for you saves you. Our job, as “the Church,” should be to continue what Jesus started–sharing the good news with lost people.

One of our core values at Calvary is that everyone needs the gospel more than they need anything else. Sharing the gospel always begins with loving people as they are.

How to Share Your Faith is a class that offers great resources on befriending nonbelievers in order to share Christ. Sign up. We’ll contact you in time for our fall class!)

Coincidentally when the Church grows because more and more people in that culture get saved and follow Christ, the culture gradually changes to reflect the Christ-like values of its followers.

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